Thank you $UPPORTERs!!

As Bedlam moves ahead toward its future venue(s) your INVESTMENT is more important than ever.

We love knowing we’re making it happen together!

We’ll keep you in the loop of great donor get-togethers all year, next up is a NEW YEARS EVE MASQUERADE and CELEBRATION. Check it out.

If you haven’t signed up with your DONATION to Bedlam yet, do it TODAY.

One of the simplest ways we can create the Bedlam future we want to see, is for everyone who believes in Bedlam to be on this list. Truly, we are how WE MAKE IT!!

((Did we miss your name? Sometimes we make mistakes. Contact , and we will get you up here ASAP!))

Bedlam Donors/INVESTORS in 2011

Abdirizak Mahboub* – Bedlam is a place where cultural exchange happens; where the new immigrant, the mainstream and everything in between come together to understand.

Addy Free*

Aimee Renaud

Alex Iantaffi*

Allen D Christian

Allison Shoemaker —From a Chicago theater artist – more theater, with deep roots, everywhere.

Amber Phelps Bondaroff

Amelia English*

Amy Ballestad

Amy C Krautbauer

Amy Danielson*

Andrea C. Brown*

Andi Cheney*

Andrew Meeker

Andrew R Sturdevant

Andy McCormick

Angela T Moon*

Anne Long*

Anne Gadwa Nicodemus/Metris Arts Consulting*

Anne Sawyer-Aitch

Annette Kurek*

Annie Enneking

Annika Kaplan

Anonymous* – I totally support Bedlam, but I’m keeping it on the down low.

Antonia Eberhart

Apropos Studio*

Ariel L Leaf

Arwen Wilder*

Barbara Shelton

Barbra Berlovitz*

Ben Marcy*

Betsy Altheimer

Betty Bueche*

Beverly Luther

Blake Bolan

Bob and Elizabeth Marcy*

Bob and Judy Ward*

Brant Miller

Brent Harring

Brian O’Neal*

Brian Watson-Jones

Caitlin Conboy

Caitlin Milligan Sheaffer

Camille Burke*

Candace Bilyk —I just moved across the country so I am broke as sh*t, but I would be so incredibly sad if Bedlam didn’t find a space again… and if I didn’t donate then I would also feel RESPONSIBLE. I hope more people will give soon. Thank you for supporting me in the past, I am glad to be able support you now.

Carl Atiya Swanson —Bedlam is the nervous system of our Twin Cities theater scene- it is intelligent, reactive and senses the world before we even know what’s happening, it is crucial and critical to our survival, and most of all, it needs a good home.

Carly Wicks

Carolyn M. Westra

Cassandra Marie Spratt

Catalina-Anne Hotung

Cathy Heying

Charles Robison

Chris Chookiatsirichai

Chris Parker

Chris Schlichting

Christa Saeger

Christine L Ward*

Christopher Allen*

Claire Nadeau

Clay Steinman

Corrie Zoll*

Curt and Dona Haltiwanger

Dan Spock*

David Grant

David Moreson

David O’Fallon

David T Steinman

Deb Ervin

Donald and Betty Marcy*

Donna Sellinger*


Elle Thoni

Elliott Lynch

Emily Anderson*

Emily Resseger

Emily Temte

Emily Snyder

Erin Smith

Erinn Liebhard —I am so grateful to have been/ be a part of this amazing performance and experience generator. Keep it rockin’!

Eunice Eckerly —I invest in Bedlam because it is an inclusive theatre that has been important to our Cedar Riverside neighborhood. It has interacted in unique creative ways especially with our youth.

Eve Marie

Garry Hesser*

Genevieve M Wachutka

George McConnell*

Georgia Freeman

Giuliana Ciabo*

Harry Waters Jr.* —Bedlam – its what life is about, and they find a way to put it in the world while including so many wild points of entry… love em – dont’ leave em… support em and celebrate em…

Hilarie Conboy

Ian Knodell*

Irene M Greene

Jack Becker

Jacquie Dutton*

James Lekatz

James Peitzman

Jami Syverson*

Jane Miller*

Janet Johnson*

Jennifer Johanneson

Jennifer Jajeh —Thanks for presenting radical art! Can’t wait to see the new space!

Jess Buns

Jessica Kutch

Jill Michaelree

Jim and Sue Welna

Jim Erchul*

Joanne J Jongsma

Joe Evans*

Johann Hauser-Ulrich*

John Francis Bueche*

John BALLER BOY McConville

John Middleton

John Velie

Jon Mac Cole*

Jon Stolke*

Josh Schultz

Journey Gosselin

Judith Howard

Julie Obaoighill* —Bedlam, you are the wildest theater and the most fun!

Kait Sergenian*

Karen M Townsend

Kari Rightfoot

Kat Corrigan

Kate Barr

Kate Farstad

Kate O Jandric

Katherine Bartholomew

Katie Kaufmann

Kelley Meister

Kelly Schaub*

Kevin Cosgrove

Kevin Scott*

Kevin Springer*

Kit M. Gordon

Krista Pearson –-Thanks Bedlam for holding space for the telling of a community’s ongoing story. I am honored to be part of the art.

Kristen Van Loon*

Kristi Ternes

Kristin Guild —Let there be Bedlam in Minneapolis!

Kristin Murray

Laura Zabel & Levi Weinhagen*

Lauren Anderson

Lauren Haun

Leif Jurgensen

Linsay Noble

Lisa A Helminiak

Lucas E Koski*

Madonna Smith and Freedom Parker* — We choose to support Bedlam because we support Bedlam’s mission. Bedlam is a place where anyone can express themselves in any way inspiration strikes. This draws some of the most creative, dynamic and conscientious individuals together in one space. Good things happen. Great art happens. Bedlam is not just a clever name. You never know what you are going to get. That’s the best part.

Marcus Johnson

Maren Ward*

Margo Ashmore

Margo Mccreary

Mary Laurel True*

Masanari Kawahara

Matt Galloway*

Matthew L Wells*

Matthew Riggs

Matthew Spector & Lisa Griffin Vincent*

Meg Kosowski* —Consistently the best gang of misfit toys in Minneapolis/Saint Paul. Salut! And here’s to many more years with many less close calls!

Megan Tardiff and Jim Bueche*

Melissa Birch*

Michael Forney*

Michael & Laura Leffler-McCabe

Michelle and Raymond Gensinger*

Michelle l Regulus

Mercy Monroe

Molly Balcom Raleigh —Couragous outrageous gorgeous stages… Thank you for being Bedlam!

Molly Van Avery* —Thank you for being an artistic home to me and so many other remarkable visionary artists!

Morgan Zehner

Nancy Waldoch*

Natalie Bogira

Niels Strandskov —Bedlam has spoiled me in terms of what I expect from theater. From the intensely personal to the outspokenly political, Bedlam’s shows have never failed to amaze me and move me. But it is the community that Bedlam creates which really sets it apart from other projects. The connections made by and through Bedlam will have a lasting impact, not only in our region, but for our entire society.

Nikki Schultz*

Nils C Collins

Noah Keesecker

Nomad World Pub*

Nona Invie

Olli Johnson

Owen H Brafford

Paige Collette* —Bedlam, you make magic — some of the most exciting performance in all the Twin Cities.  The way you connect people and strengthen communities is magic too.  I love that you give voices to first-time artists as well as artists who’ve been around the block.  Stay strong, and keep it coming!

Pamela and  John Cheney

Patrick L Pfundstein

Peter Gadwa

Peter Kirschmann

Peter Thompson

Rachel Nelson

Randall Thompson

Rebecca Rush

Rebecca Smith

Rebecca Trinite

Robert Erickson*

Robert Hammel*

Robyn Hendrix

Ryan Kerch*

Sam Johns*

Sara Elliot

Sara Shaylie —Theater responsive to folks who don’t do theater…Love to know you are part of this community.

Sarah Salisbury*

Sarah Teich

Savannah Reich*

Scott Artley

Scott Pakudaitis*  —Bedlam produces some of the most innovative and creative theater in the region. Bedlam is a treasured asset in our community.

Shanai Matteson

Shannon Forney* —Bedlam, THANK YOU for making me laugh, and think, and for encouraging outrageous curiosity. Here’s a toast to Bedlam’s new space and vision. Cheers!

Sharon I Battistini

Shelby Thomason*

Sonja Kuftinec*

Soozin Hirschmugl*

Sophie Weil

Starri Hedges

Steven Mark

Susan Haas & Michael Sommers

Tara Fahey

Tara King

Tera B Kilbride —I like you, Bedlam

Theresa Madaus

Thomas A. Wells

Tom Borger —You guys rock!

Tom Lloyd*

Trang Do* —Bedlam sucessfully creates a space that offers a rich soupy brew of radical art, stimulating connection and heart that is able to nourish what our community needs. I have respect for the vision and community organizing that Bedlam pushes forward. It’s like that story about Stone Soup. But Bedlam’s spicier and has more spectacle.

Vicki Joan Keck —Looking forward to the future with BEDLAM!!

Wendy Knox

Wendy Lewis

Whitney N. Fink*

* You see the “*” next to some of the names? That denotes a member of the Bedlam 100. The Bedlam 100 is a club of folks that gives at a total of $100 or more a year to Bedlam Theatre. They are invited to special events and get the inside scoop on some pretty radical stuff.  Wanna be a part of the fun? Visit our and make your contribution. If you would like to make a pledge at a later date or are interested in making an in-kind donation you can email us at .

Donate to BEDLAM THEATRE at Razoo


Abby R. Lacombe & Gabe Barnett, Adam V Krowka, Addy  Free, Adena S Brumer, Alan Berks, Alisa Matson, Allen D. Christian, Alyssa Hill, Amelia English, Amelia L Bueche, Amy Danielson, Andrea R Cheney, Andrew Sturdevant, Angela Denise Hardy, Angela Maki Jones, Angela T Moon, Ann Bueche & Wojciech Szumowski, Anne Gadwa, Anne Westmoreland, Annette Enneking, Anonymous, Arwen Wilder, Ashley Schweitzer, Barbra Ann Berlovitz, Ben Marcy, Benjamin C Egerman, Bethany Mammenga, Betty Bueche, Betty Bueche, Blaine Garrett, Brent D Ruter, Brent Harring, Brian Moen, Brian O’Neal, Brianna M Jonna, Caitlin M Sheaffer, Carey Heartborne, Carly Wicks, Carmine Profant, Cathryn Beil, Charles R Miles, Cherie J Anderson, Chris Allen, Christine DeZelar-Tiedman, Christine M. Gordon, Christopher J. Tardiff, Christopher W Reedy, Claire Avitabile, Clayton Steinman, Colleen Lamb, Connor Schmid, Corrie Zoll, Crystal J Myslajek, Damien F Czar, Dan Ibarra, Daniel Casper & Linda Sone, Daniel N Thompson, Dawn K Nguyen, Deborah G Rosenstein, Deborah Stein, Derek B Reise, Don Mabley-Allen, Dona and RC Haltiwanger, Donald and Betty Marcy, Eleanor Savage, Elizabeth Clark, Elizabeth M Derenne, Emily A Anderson, Emily O Saunoi-Sandgren, Emily Taylor, Eunice Eckerly, Garry W Hesser, Ginny L. Gryna, Gradylee Shapiro, Gregory and Suzanne Tardiff, Helen N Bueche, Hot Pants, Irene Faass, Jacqueline Dutton , James k Nichols, James Morehouse, Jamie Schweser, Janet E Johnson, Jason E. Misik, Jennifer A Kennedy-Logan, Jenny Moeller, Jessica Zoe Benston, Jim Bueche, Jim Erchul, Joanne Jongsma, Joel and Lyra Hernandez, John Becker, John Bueche, John McConville, Jon S Collins, Jon Shafer, Jonathan W Kaiser, Josef Evans, Joshua Humphrey, Journey Gosselin, Julia F. Haltiwanger, Julie Obaoighill, K L Anderson, Karen M. Haselmann, Katherine Blauvelt, Kathryn Amundson, Kathy Mouacheupao, Kelley A Meister, Kevin McLaughlin, Kimberly S Anderson, Kristin Van Loon, Kyle Johnson, Lacey Prpic Hedtke, Laura Burrack, Laura Zabel, Lauren DeSteno, Lauren R. Anderson, Leah Cooper, Lecia M Grossman, Lindsey McDonald Dorsey, Lovi Y Moore-Foster, Lucas Koski, Maren Ward, Margo Mccreary, Mary Culligan, Mary Donahue, Mary H. Tkadlec-Nelson, Mary Jane Mueller, Mary Madonna Smith, masanari kawahara, Matthew N Garcia, Matthew Spector, Melissa A Hoppe,  Michael Croswell, Michael Fallon, Michael Sommers, Michele Gensinger, Miriam Must, Nancy J. Holland, Nancy Waldoch, Nicholas Hengen and Emily Teplin, Nicolette P Strandskov, Niels H Strandskov, Patrick L Pfundstein, Peter L Dodge, Rachel A Teagle, Rachel Leaf, Rachel Wandrei, RAH!, Rebecca Smith, Robert Karimi, Robert R Ward, Robin Gillette, Rod Walli & Ann Markusen, Rosy Guthrie, Ryan M Kerch, Sandra McNeal, Sara Sherva, Sarah L. Martin, Sarah Teich, Scott  T Gadwa, Scott Pakudaitis, Scott Puhl, Seth Goodspeed, Shannon BLOWTORCH, Sharon Baker, Sharon M DeMark, Sonja Kuftinec, Steve Danielson, Steven Lang, Stuart H. Davis, Susan K Allen, Susan Welna, Tara Samaha, Telsche Thiessen, Teresa M. Obrero, Thomas Snell, Timothy C Voss, Timothy Morgan, Tom Borger, Tom Sherohman, Trang N. Do, Vanessa A Yancey, Wendi Wheeler, Wendy Knox, Wendy M Lewis, Wes Winship, Bill A Lindeke, William O. Beeman, William P Muchow, Willow  Cordes-Eklund, Zachary L Crockett, Zhauna Franks