Bedlam Company 2006

?You cannot exit Bedlam?s production without applauding the sheer daring of its young artists. Go to Bedlam Theatre because then, and only then, can you claim ownership of a truly broad spectrum of consciousness regarding what is possible in the fantastic world of live theater!?
– StarTribune on TERMINUS (2002)Bedlam is fantastically proud of the hundreds of amazing artists, upstarts and community members who contribute to productions, studio events, and far flung festivities. The Bedlam Company is made up of these actors, writers, directors, designers, puppeteers, technicians (and everyone is more than one or the other) who are dedicated to the ongoing achievement of radical theater under the Bedlam umbrella.

“This performance collective grows more primitive and more fascinating
with each production….the perfect antidote to an evening at the Guthrie.?
– City Pages on Passion Playing (1996)