Media Coverage of our Move out of 1501 S. 6th Street

The media has been extensively covering Bedlam’s move out of 1501 S. 6th Street. Take a look at what the press is saying.

City Pages: “Bedlam Theatre forced to vacate by September 7″

MPRNewsQ: “Bedlam Theatre to leave Cedar-Riverside” and “Relocating mosque forces Bedlam Theatre to move”

LOLOMG: “Bedlam to be booted”

MNSPEAK: “Experimental Theater on the Move”

Onion AV Club: “Bedlam Theatre forced out of Cedar-Riverside location”

MinnPost: “Bedlam Theatre looking for new home”

Downtown Journal: “Bedlam gets the boot”

Twin Cities Daily Planet: “Bedlam Theatre’s West Bank story: The next chapter”

City Pages blog: “Bedlam’s executive artistic director John Bueche talks about the closing”

Metro Magazine: “West Bank Story”

Cake in 15: “It’s The End Of The World As We Know It, (& I Feel Fine) or “Well? Shall we go?” “Yes, let’s go.” They do not move. Curtain.”