Sun, Oct 31, 1999 - 12:00am
Sun 10/31, 12:00am
Barebones Production’s most expansive show to date. This is Barebones’ 2nd show at Minnehaha Falls. As threats of Y2K loom, Barebones faces the the threat of ecocollapse and the process of decay ultimately as a healing force.
The pageant is supplemented by individual performances by local artists and "Storp the Reroute of Highway 55" activists. YDK features a gigantic three headed dog, Jack O’Lantern and his box of light, a humongous parade of animal skeletons (including a darn-near lifesize skeleton of a blue whale!), transforming giant eye tower/spider by Willis Bowman, 120′ long Salamander, a 300′ gauntlet of Syilting Pumpkin Zombies and lots, lots more…
The Bedlam Social
new ways to feel, see and be theatre